
Who says that only Parisian women are chic?


A home on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade

This beauty overlooks the East River and has a spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline.


The Brooklyn Bridge in all its Splendor

It is not the Pont Neuf, or Pont Austerlitz, but the Brooklyn Bridge is rather regal, wouldn't you say?


Les Maisons de Brooklyn

Brooklyn has the most beautiful homes, illustrious, and architecturally superior, and with the widest variety of designs.


Brooklyn's Marriott Hotel

This is the closet Brooklyn gets to Paris' Hotel Crillon.


Inside the Showboat Museum and Barge

Brooklyn has her own Jacques Cousteau. Did you know that?

Brooklyn's booksellers by the side of the road

The Parisians like to line the sides of their rues with booksellers. Just like we do here in Brooklyn